Special Services » Contacts



Whom to Contact

To better serve you and your family, we ask that your first point of contact be the special education teacher or therapist who supports your child. If you are unsure which special education teacher/therapist to contact, please call the main office of the school that your student attends.


School Contacts

  • Bradley: 913-651-6915
  • Eisenhower: 913-651-6663
  • MacArthur: 913-651-6517
  • Patton: 913-651-7371

If the teacher(s) or therapist cannot answer your questions, contact the building principal. The principal may refer questions on to a school psychologist or special education administrator.


School Psychologist Contacts

Candace Ott
MacArthur Elementary
Brandi Chauvin
(Bradley Elementary and Patton Junior High)
Madison Lutgen
(Early Childhood and Eisenhower Elementary)


Special Service Department Contacts

Julianne Melanson
Administrative Assistant
special services director
Diana Greer
Director for Special Services