Gifted Special Education Eligibility
In Kansas, gifted services are provided through Special Education and, therefore, follow Special Education eligibility processes and procedures.
The process begins within the general education classroom through differentiation and a data collection process. If the general education classroom data indicates that a student, starting at age 5, is in need of additional enrichment, his/her name is referred to the general education intervention team (SIT). Upon referral to SIT, parents are notified, and parental consent is obtained for additional enrichment support within the general education setting.
The SIT process begins with a team of professionals reviewing the student’s needs, working together to identify and target additional enrichment interventions that will be implemented within the general education setting. A time frame for the intervention is set, and data within the classroom is collected. Next, the SIT team reviews the enrichment data to determine if additional interventions need to be implemented and to identify the level of intervention necessary to meet the student’s needs within the general education setting.
If ongoing general education and intervention data indicates that the intervention and differentiation levels are above what can be implemented by the general education teacher, parents are notified that the SIT team would like to refer their child for a special education evaluation, and parental consent for the evaluation is obtained.
If the student qualifies for gifted services in the state of Kansas, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is written and special education gifted services are provided. To learn more about eligibility for special education gifted services in the state of Kansas, download and read the brochure attached below.