Family Resources » Academic Planning

Academic Planning


Kansas Graduation Requirements - Class of 2028 and Beyond

A minimum of 21 units are required for graduation, as follows:

Communications (4 Units)
  • 3.5 Units of ELA
  • 0.5 Unit of Communications
Society & Humanities (4 Units)
  • 3 Units of Social Studies
  • 1 Unit of Fine Arts
STEM (7 Units)
  • 3 Units of Mathematics
  • 3 Units of Science
  • 1 STEM Elective
Employability & Life Skills (6 Units)
  • 0.5 Unit of Physical Education
  • 0.5 Unit of Health
  • 0.5 Unit of Financial Literacy
  • 4.5 Units of Elective Courses - Individual Plan of Study (IPS)
*Students are also required to complete at least two postsecondary assets as defined by KSBE.

Fort Leavenworth Education Center

Scholarship List - Fort Leavenworth School Liaison Officer