Family Resources » Military Family Resources

Military Family Resources


Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunities for Military Children
The Military Interstate Compact addresses the following key educational transition issues encountered by children of military families:
  • Enrollment
  • Placement & Attendance
  • Eligibility
  • Graduation

The Compact applies to public schools and DoDEA. Kansas was the first to adopt the Compact in 2008, with all 50 states and DoDEA now participating.


Impact Aid

Impact Aid was designed to assist local school districts in offsetting the loss of property tax revenue for those on Federal property with tax-exempt status. USD 207 has a high enrollment of federally connected students, making us a heavily impacted school district. Once a year, we are required by law to survey and report on each federally connected student in our school district to the Impact Aid Program of the US Department of Education in Washington, DC, in order to receive federal funding.


Parents as Teachers Program (Managed by Leavenworth USD 453)

Kansas State Department of Education - Military Families


Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)

Sesame Street for Military Families

Thrive Parenting Program

Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness - Educator Resources