2024-2025 Online Enrollment » Enrollment Information 2024-2025 School Year

Enrollment Information 2024-2025 School Year



Welcome to Fort Leavenworth USD 207!
We proudly serve Fort Leavenworth resident students in grades PreK-9.

Documents Required for Enrollment

  • Proof of Residency Form (Provided by Housing upon Lease signing.)
  • Birth Certificate (Preschool, Kindergarten, and First Grade.)
  • Immunization Record
  • Completed Physical Forms (If the student is NEW to Kansas schools and age 8 or younger; 7th-9th grade students participating in sports/cheerleading - sports physicals shall not be taken earlier than May 1.)
  • Report Card (From sending school.)
  • Special Education/504 Records (If applicable.)

Age Requirements for School Entry (Kansas State Law)

Age of Eligibility to Attend School

  • Kindergarten - Five years old on or before August 31 of the school year
  • First Grade - Six years old on or before August 31 of the school year

If you have obtained or are anticipating gaining proof of on-post residency, there are three steps to our enrollment process. If you have any difficulty or questions about any of the steps listed below, please contact Birgitta Freeman at the USD 207 Board Office. No local address yet? Don't worry, a local address is not necessary to begin!


Preschool Program Requirements

  • The family must maintain residency on Fort Leavenworth or be employed full-time by USD 207 for the entire academic year.
  • A Proof of Residency Form, provided by the Housing Office upon arrival, must be submitted to complete enrollment.
  • Both three-year-old and four-year-old preschool programs operate on a half-day schedule and have set capacities.
  • If classes are at capacity in your neighborhood school when enrollment is completed, you may be offered placement in another elementary building or be placed on a waiting list until an opening occurs.
  • 3-year-old preschool - child must turn three on or before August 31, 2024
  • 4-year-old preschool - child must turn four on or before August 31, 2024
  • Students eligible for Kindergarten will not be eligible for preschool.
  • Transportation to and from preschool programs must be provided by the parent/guardian.
  • The parent/guardian is responsible for walking preschool students to/from the school building.

*If, at any time during the school year, a parent or person acting as a parent of a resident PreK student moves off-post, the PreK student is no longer eligible for continued PreK attendance and will be dis-enrolled. (USD 207 Board of Education Enrollment Policy, JBC)



Enrollment (2 Steps "ONLINE" + 1 Step "ONSITE" process)

1. ONLINE - Complete the New Student Enrollment: Account Request to receive an email with USER ID and PASSWORD

2. ONLINE - Online Enrollment Application (link is in the Skyward email from Step 1).

3. ONSITE - Provide a signed Proof of On-Post Residency form from Frontier Heritage Communities to the USD 207 Board Office.





Non-Resident Enrollment Process (K-9)


1. Please refer to our Enrollment Policy link on this page to determine if your family is eligible to request enrollment at USD 207.


2. If your family meets the enrollment requirements, please complete the New Non-Resident Enrollment form and submit to Birgitta Freeman at the USD 207 Board Office or email [email protected]


3. Complete the New Student Enrollment: Account Request to receive an email with USER ID and PASSWORD.


4. Online Enrollment Application (link is in the Skyward email from Step 3).


Families will be notified via phone in July following onsite resident student enrollment. Please refer to USD 207 Board of Education Enrollment Policy, JBC for non-resident student enrollment eligibility criteria.

*Non-resident students are not eligible to attend USD 207 three-year-old and four-year-old preschool programs.

Residents of Fort Leavenworth are zoned to attend USD 453 (Leavenworth High School) for grades 10-12. 

  • Transportation Enrollment - USD 207 provides transportation to and from Leavenworth High School for students in grades 10-12 at no cost. Students attending 9th grade at Leavenworth High School are provided transportation for a fee.