T.E.A.M.S Challenges » Random Science Stuff

Random Science Stuff

random science

Can you build an efficient windmill using an old CD and parts from a CD player?  Can you move a marble around the room without touching it?  How good are you at protecting eggs?  Just like the name suggests, this group will explore random science challenges.  Come join this group and put your Science, Technology, Engineering and Math skills to the test!

The purpose of this TEAM was to explore scientific activities in a fun, no pressure environment. The students chose which activities we worked on by majority vote and then the facilitator issued them a challenge based on what they voted to do. ​

  • Windmill Challenge: This challenge is from the Physical Science activity from Science Olympiad. Students were given a selection of materials and they had to construct a windmill out of a CD. The CD was placed on a CD player motor attached to a multimeter. The student who managed to create the highest percent efficiency was the winner of the challenge.

  • Volcano Challenge: The students wanted to create paper mache volcanoes, so that is what we did. Materials: paper strips, flour/water paste, paint, vinegar and baking soda. Every group had to be able to identify the “type” of volcano they were creating. Students received bonus consideration if they added extra vents to their volcano. Students had to try to come up with a creative way to have their volcano erupt.

  • Egg Drop Challenge: Create a structure that would keep an egg from breaking when dropped out of the materials provided. Must have a parachute. If your egg breaks, clean up after yourself.

  • Marble Ramp Challenge: Using only one sheet of newspaper, and one meter of masking tape, build a ramp that is at least 25 cm in height and will carry a marble the entire length of the ramp without being touched after it is released. The marble must change directions at least once. The marble must come to a complete stop at the end of the ramp.