Required State Mandated Training

Bloodborne Pathogens (All Staff)
Emergency Safety Interventions (All Staff)
Structured Literacy and Dyslexia (All certified staff & paras/instructional assistants)
- Structured Literacy and Dyslexia Training Video
- Structured Literacy and Dyslexia Training Acknowledgement
KSDE ELA Standards:
KSDE ELA Crosswalk:
Suicide Awareness and Prevention (All Staff)
Bullying Awareness and Prevention (All Staff)
Bullying is behavior that is intentional and that involves an imbalance of power or strength. Schools should review this information with staff and students once per year and ensure students know the school’s policies and expectations and how to report bullying incidents for self and others. Bullying can take many forms, including:
- Physical
- Verbal
- Nonverbal or Emotional
- Cyberbullying
Education for the Homeless (Title IX): McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (All Staff)
ALICE Training (All Staff)
Centegix Staff Training (All Staff)
Preventing Abuse and Mandated Training (All Staff)