Bus Guidelines and Rules
All district school bus are equipped with video cameras.
- Regular Route student riders will be issued a student bus fob.
- This fob will be used to keep track of students while riding the buses.
- Students will be required to carry the fob to ride the bus.
- Bus fobs will be issued by the Transportation Department.
Before the bus arrives:
- Please be at their designated bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled pickup time.
- Stay off the street at all times while waiting for the bus.
- Please wait until the bus has come to a complete stop before attempting to load.
On the bus:
- The Bus Driver is in charge of the bus.
- The bus driver is allowed to assign seats.
- All riders are to obey the instructions of the driver.
- Be courteous to the driver.
- Keep head and hands inside the bus at all times.
- Do not throw or drop anything out of the bus windows.
- Do not distract the driver while he/she is driving. No loud noises.
- Bus riders are to keep the aisles clear at all times, this includes feet, book bags, instruments and other items.
- Riders are to remain seated and are not allowed to change seats while the bus is moving.
- Do not damage the seats and keep the bus clean. Damages will be charged to the riders.
- No food or drinks are allowed on the bus unless the driver approves it.
- Prohibited items: Large items, skateboards, scooters, animals, aquariums, tobacco products and anything else the driver feels is unsafe.
- Bus riders are to be quiet while approaching a railroad crossing.
- In case of a road emergency, riders are to remain in the bus unless the driver instructs them to leave.
- Bus riders are to be courteous to all riders and assist the younger riders as needed.
After leaving the bus:
- Riders will be dropped off at their regular neighborhood stops only.
- Riders are to exit the bus and get at least 10 feet away from the bus as soon as possible.
- Riders are to cross the street in front of the bus, at least 10 feet in front of the bus and only when it is safe to do so.
- Parents will be informed of any infraction of the bus rules which warrants a Bus Slip.
- The first bus slip must be signed by the parents and returned to the driver the next day in order for the student to ride the bus.
- A second bus slip will result in a one week suspension from riding the bus, after it is signed or the parent is notified.
- A third bus slip can result in a permanent loss or riding privileges.
- 10th-12th graders attending LHS are allowed to ride the bus.
- 9th grade Patton ROTC students are allowed to ride the bus
- 9th grade LHS students can ride the buses after paying the bus fee. The bus fee must be paid at the BOE before they can ride.
Bus fees for 9th grade LHS students are $275 a semester or $550 a year.