TEAMS Thinking: Collaborative Innovation through STEAM » Professional Development Resources

Professional Development Resources

Professional Development Opportunities


Fort Leavenworth has looked at several Professional Development Models:

  •  TPack - Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
  •  SMAR - Substitution / Augmentation / Modification / Redefinition


Summer Tech Conference 
Teachers Teaching Teachers Model - Each summer the district provides a week long technology conference. This conference is “by teachers for teachers”. Teachers submit a proposal to present. A schedule is created to provide a variety of sessions for teachers to choose from. We have coordinated with the University of St Mary to provide continuing education credit. If a teacher attends all days of the conference and present 2 sessions they can receive 3 credit hours or they can attend all days and submit an implementation plan to identify how they will integrate what they have learned.


Tech Leaders ½ day and Tech Thursday (Grant)
From the Cyber TEAMS grant Ft Leavenworth developed a professional development model. Training is a eighty-twenty split, with 20% on how to turn on a device and figure out the apps and 80% is about how this can benefit the learner, and how can we change our teaching to be more learner-centered. Each quarter is focused on developing 21st century skills and challenge-based learning strategies. Teachers are identified as Tech Leaders and are provided ½ day substitute to plan trainings for their building. Four times a year an after school Tech Thursday is building based and lead by the Tech Leaders.

Here are other great resources: